Kosher and Halal: The Difference Explained
Halal and Kosher follow two different dietary food regulations…
Kosher and Halal: The Difference Explained Đọc thêm »
Halal and Kosher follow two different dietary food regulations…
Kosher and Halal: The Difference Explained Đọc thêm »
KUALA LUMPUR, MARCH 17, 2021 – Malaysia as the world’s driving halal center, is resolved to reinforce the plan of Malaysia’s extensive halal industry information base…
Malaysia: MOU signing between Department of Statistics Malaysia and HDC Đọc thêm »
Online class HALAL SECTORAL ROADMAP IMPLEMENTATION 2021 Taking advantage of Lucky breaks In Halal Industry For Pharmaceuticals And Food Services 17 March 2021 Coming up next is the Official Address by En Hairol Ariffein Sahari, Chief Executive Officer, Halal Industry Development Corporation: OPENING STATEMENT • It is my incredible delight to be here earlier today
Malaysia: Halal Sectoral Roadmap Implementation 2021 Road Map Webinar Đọc thêm »
Halal is a Quranic expression that basically signifies ‘allowed’ or ‘legitimate’. Halal when utilized according to food and other consumables implies admissible for utilization and utilized by Muslims dependent on the Islamic law, which is the Shariah. It is the obligation of a Muslim to guarantee that any food devoured or any organizations acted in
Understanding Halal Đọc thêm »
What is Halal Certification? Halal certification is an official process that verifies whether products, services, or processes comply with the principles of Islamic law (Shariah). It is particularly important in the food, beverage, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries, ensuring that items meet the religious and ethical standards required by Muslim consumers. 1.Receiving certification registration request Suggest
Halal Certification process Đọc thêm »
NatureCert Center (NATURECERT) is an independent certification organization that is established and operates under Vietnamese law to provide Halal certification for products complied with Shari’ah Law and Halal standard. All organizations have legal status, irrespective of scale, financial conditions; personnel, etc. are able to apply for certification with NATURECERT.However, in order to ensure objectivity and
Organizations that can register for Halal Certification Đọc thêm »
NATURECERT Halal Certification Committee is responsible for all decisions on granting, refusing, suspending, withdrawing and expanding/ reducing Halal Certification and its scope. The procedure includes the assessment of the sufficiency of information provided by the audit team, assessment of the content of all audit reports and Application documents, critical evaluation of all risks and information
Halal Certification Decision Making Procedure Đọc thêm »
There have been more than 1.9 billion Muslim consumers around the world and the market of halal products is booming at an incredible rate. Suppliers are dealing with this heightened demand, and adapting their production lines to become compliant, and accommodate for halal offerings. This leads to the demand of having the certificate to confirm
Why do we need Halal certification? Đọc thêm »
The aim of this blog is to help non-Muslims to have a better understanding of the term ‘Halal’ and its importance to Muslims. One Islam – Many Muslims Though Islam is a single religion, it is important to recognise that Muslim people are not a single homogenous group. There are approximately +400,000 Muslims in Australia,
What is Halal? Things to know for the Non-muslims Đọc thêm »
Seventh World Halal Summit (WHS) under the topic of “New Era and New Normals: Necessity of Halal Production and Consumption” will be hung on 25-27 November 2021 at Istanbul Congress Center (ICC), Istanbul/Turkey; all the while with eighth OIC Halal Expo (25-28 November 2021), coordinated by Discover Events in relationship with the Islamic Center for
Abstract Submission for 7th World Halal Summit is Open! Đọc thêm »